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This weekeend, Kayleigh came and stayed with us. Seeing as how it's been since she was in the 3rd grade since she had her last jacket made (she is in the 6th grade now) it was about due time for a new one...We spent the next FOUR days busting butt working endlessly to get this done for her to be able to take it home with her before her weekend with us was over. IT WAS AN ABSOLUTE BLAST!

If you want to see more jackets that I've done over the years, check out the jacket gallery.

The first night we put together a design in her sketchbook. For some reason this go around I was really feeling some witchy vibes. So we decided to go with some all seeing eyes that Kay threw in there and some crystals and the Moon and some chimes and some feathers that turn into a catcher of sorts. and on the front there is also another crystal and a flower and a leaf. THERE IS ALSO A CRYSTAL GAZING BALL! We also added the detailing on the sleeve there with some doilies that I have in EXCESS and then went back and detailed it out with some gold. Kayleigh also requested that there be a single eye on the front collar to tie it all in together.

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